Get Medical Notes Done.

Rebalanced listens, transcribes, and charts medical notes so you can focus on what you love.

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Be Ahead of Your Charts with AI Scribing

Enough charting after hours, over weekends or during holidays. Let the AI do the work.

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The AI extracts medically-relevant information and structure the note according to your style.

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Visit Summary

Get a summary of the patient visit before they check out. Simply print and hand it over.

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What Clinicians Say About Us


*Said no clinician, ever.
Testimonial RatingTestimonial Quote

I've tried several charting tools before, but they often missed key details or got things wrong, which left me fixing errors instead of saving time. Then I discovered 'Rebalanced.' I was skeptical at first, but it’s been a game-changer. 'Rebalanced' accurately captures everything, reducing my workload and giving me peace of mind. It’s like having a dependable assistant who gets it right every time. If you want a tool that truly saves time and avoids mistakes, 'Rebalanced' is the way to go. It has transformed how I work!

Testimonial Client
Sarah Thompson
Nurse Practitioner
Testimonial RatingWork Content Layout

After a colleague raved about Rebalanced, I decided to give it a try, and wow, it exceeded my expectations! It's exceptional at parsing out relevant medical details from casual dialogue. This precision means my SOAP notes are now spot on without extra editing. I’m spending less time on documentation and more on patient care, which is where my heart truly lies. Rebalanced has not just improved my workflow; it’s enhanced my patient interactions.

Henry Mitchell
Testimonial RatingTestimonial Quote

"Rebalanced" has been a total game-changer for me. I used to spend hours typing up notes after sessions, which meant less time for family or just relaxing. But now, I just turn on "Rebalanced" and let it do its thing while I focus on my clients. It's crazy how it transcribes everything and then turns it into a perfect note. Now, instead of stressing about charting, I actually get to enjoy dinner with my partner or squeeze in a quick workout. Plus, the peace of mind knowing that all the important stuff is documented right is amazing. If you're a clinician and you're tired of being buried in paperwork, seriously, give "Rebalanced" a shot. It's been a lifesaver for me!

Testimonial Client
Jake Morrison
Mental Health Counselor
Testimonial RatingWork Content Layout

I used to dread the pile of charts waiting for me at the end of the day, until I found 'Rebalanced AI'. This tool has drastically cut down my charting time by accurately transcribing consultations as they happen, allowing me to focus on my patients rather than the paperwork. It's intuitive, catching even the nuanced terminology specific to dermatology. Now, I leave the clinic on time and stress-free. 'Rebalanced AI' isn't just a tool; it's a part of my team."

Dr. Anita Roy
Testimonial RatingTestimonial Quote

My journey with 'Rebalanced' began on a late, exhausting night filled with endless charting. Searching for a lifeline, I discovered 'Rebalanced' through a healthcare forum. Initially skeptical, my doubts vanished when I saw how it flawlessly captured and organized my patient interactions, distinguishing medical essentials from casual conversation. Now, my paperwork is completed during the consultation, no extra hours required! 'Rebalanced' has revolutionized my daily routine, freeing up my evenings for yoga classes and bedtime stories with my kids. It’s more than a tool; it’s my partner in providing care while preserving my sanity. Any clinician drowning in notes would adore 'Rebalanced'.

Testimonial Client
Laura Simmons
Family Physician
Testimonial RatingWork Content Layout

I'm handling post-op notes used to consume a large chunk of my day. Since integrating 'Rebalanced' into my practice, I've seen a remarkable change. It captures detailed operative details and patient responses with astounding accuracy, ensuring nothing is missed. This efficiency allows me to focus more on recovery paths and less on typing up notes. 'Rebalanced' has truly streamlined how I operate, pun intended, making it indispensable for any surgical practice.

Dr. Alex Johnson
Orthopedic Surgeon

How it works?

Record. Review. Relax.

Get your note done in under 3 minutes.

Record Consultation

Hit the record button once starting a new consultation with a patient

Review your Note (~2 min)

Your note is ready for review with medically-relevant info only.

Paste into EHR (~10 sec)

Notes are ready to be pasted into your EHR, section by section or in full.

What's included?

Touch Lives, Not Keyboards.

You see patients, we do the rest.
Feature Icon

Makes your Life Easy

Personalize your note template
Add patient quotes
Highlight "undiscussed" sections
Add post-visit notes using your voice

Feature Icon

Medically-trained AI

Focuses on medically-relevant info only
Transcribes medications properly
Adapts to you and improves every day

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Data storage and processing is subject to the highest standards and policies.

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Why this is so special?

AI Scribe is the Future of Medicine



Why it Matters?

Note Accuracy

What's included?

Only medical info
Also side chat
Rebalanced excludes irrelevant information for faster editing

AI Jargon

Highly medical-specific
General Vocabulary
Rebalaned will distinguish between Hydralazine and Hydroxyzine


Agnostic to accents
Rebalanced AI is trained to deal with a wide variety of accents

Technical Details

AI Processing Time

Up to 2 minutes
With Rebalanced, visit summary letter is ready on patient checkout

Editing time

2-5 minutes on avg.
More than 15 minutes
Note editing time piles up when seeing a lot of patients


Zero training required
Days to weeks
Rebalanced works out-of-the-box while others require training


Requires IT
No need for any approvals, integrations or overhead.


Always at full-capaity, Rebalanced is ready when you are.


Never be behind in your charting.


Try Things Out
$0 / month
10 consultations
Unlimited support
No Credit Card
Try for free


Get Yourself Rebalanced
$89 / month
Unlimited consultations
Unlimited support
Cancel anytime
Try for free


Get Everyone Rebalanced
Unlimited consultations
Unlimited support
Multiple Users
Try for free

Get started now with 10 free consultations

No more awkward silence while typing -
rediscover full eye contact with patients.

Unleash the power of AI scribing.

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